So what is he saying go where its safer in a war situation, be neutral and get over run by your enemies , be a team player or stay in bed ?
Is he one of the 144000 and can he prove it?
in this latest video instalment, anthony relates his horrifying experience during the bloody conflict in vietnam.
as a new recruit, he is forced to endure the terrible inconvenience of having his much-needed sleep interrupted by enemy mortar explosions, leading him to make a brave decision.... .
So what is he saying go where its safer in a war situation, be neutral and get over run by your enemies , be a team player or stay in bed ?
Is he one of the 144000 and can he prove it?
i think the opening ceremony was brilliant.
what say you?.
Amazing event what about that flaming cauldron and the lift off with copper petals it was well worth staying up to watch the finale.
Well if he was acting befuddled I would like to see him telling us the remarkable history of the JWs in the same manner I can hear his words in my head now, " well ( pause) well (pause) you know 1914 was an important year I think that was the year ,yes it was , Jesus was going to appear and he didn't (scratches head) well he did but we didn't get to see him well we did but it was in our mind that we saw him and another thing we promised was the generation teaching well the old generation has gone but no Armaggedon war I have been in a war and I would recognise it if I saw it we the Governing Body still can't get it right but I'll get back to you all on that".
He comes across as a bit befuddled .Is he the Watchtowers secret weapon or what ?
He might have leadership potential but sure as hell I can't see it.
Listening to them explain the subject of eternity has just made me realise how the same people can come up with the explaination of the generation doctrine its obviously thought processes of individuals who are away with the fairies.
He is telling people how long eternity is, why not just say forever I think most people can get their head around that. He is talking like he has lost his marbles .He could also say " think of all the unrecorded time that has elapsed before you were born. "
How can anybody take him seriously . If he came to my door talking like that i would ask to see his credentials.
they've cut back their number of branch locations from 217 to 198 in the past year.
they've installed credit card machines at assemblies and conventions.
they've cut back on the number of pages in the watchtower and awake magazines (from 32 to 16).
Will the Org. end with a bang or a whimper ?
is it my imagination or does the watchtower need a strong individual leader to come forward and take control they seem to be losing it big time.. i have just started re reading thirty years a slave of the watchtower and it seems to me that compared with judge rutherford and knorr there is just no strong personal driving force.
when rutherford took control he was young compared with todays leaders and so was knorr but todays team seem very lack lustre and undynamic..
I think you have a point there Lied To they must be losing confidence in themselves as far as running the organisation is concerned.
All businesses have to change in order to survive but there doesn't seem any one leader who takes a personal interest in the way that the Judge and Russell did it was their baby but now the motivation seems to be one of clinging on until end of life .
is it my imagination or does the watchtower need a strong individual leader to come forward and take control they seem to be losing it big time.. i have just started re reading thirty years a slave of the watchtower and it seems to me that compared with judge rutherford and knorr there is just no strong personal driving force.
when rutherford took control he was young compared with todays leaders and so was knorr but todays team seem very lack lustre and undynamic..
The leadership might have circled the wagons but I bet they make sure where the chuck wagon is.
They will probably have the mind set that they can't lose if the big A is consigned to a future generation down the line at least they will have a comfortable new residence in which to end their days.
i remember a few years back being involved in the campaign work, and having the distinctly awkward experience of having to hand the householders this piece of sh1t tract "the end of false religion is near!"..
i recall the discomfort i had trying to get into a conversation about this nonsense.
Was that the one where every one on planet earth was going to receive a copy ?
I seem to remember that as I was being given a copy I tried to talk about it to the Witness but she just seemed to not want to talk but just to hand it over and saying this is going to every house in the World.
I think the homeless missed out.